Saturday 12 September 2009

God Forbid - Earthsblood

God Forbid are undoubtedly one of my favourite bands ever, and I truly believe they have some of the best metal around within the last 5-6 years. So this album was greatly anticipated, despite it having just about the hardest possible act to follow, with it coming after Constitution of Treason. So how did it turn out...

Well for starters, I'll be blunt by saying this not as good as Constitution of Treason. God Forbid's first albums were very thrashy, and focused more on being brutal than making tuneful, meaningful and unique music. Although this is not the same genre as those albums, I fear that the same habits are making their way back in as while the riffage is great and the drummer is still blasting out the constant rhythms which make verses very moshable, the melodic feel which made Earthsblood's predecessor so listen-able and each song so different and incredible in its own way is a lot less present. Songs such as Walk Alone and Empire of the Gun are the notable exceptions, and in my opinion are the best of the album, but listen to songs such as Shallow and you'll see that could be improved so much by some harmonic guitar solos and Dallas' clean vocals.

It's worth noting that the let-downs of this album mainly only apply to God Forbid's standards. They produce some outstanding stuff and this simply doesn't keep up, and I suppose it suffers the same fate as Wrath by Lamb of God; nothing could possibly top Sacrament just as nothing could top Constitution of Treason. As such, this album is still worth a listen as there is still an amazing sound, I would just say it's not the band fulfilling its potential. Would recommend more to modern thrash fans.

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