Thursday 30 October 2008

Trivium - Shogun

Ahhhhhh, finally. Trivium are back to their normal selves. NOT that i didn't enjoy The Crusade because it was still a good album, but it wasn't Trivium. But this album really shows their true style off. Let me start off by saying this is still not my favourite album by Trivium, but it's definately a confidence boost from The Crusade.

So. The new album is meant to be a mix of every style Trivium have used in the past. And i think they've definately achieved this, and then some. Starting out with the powerful "Kirsute Gomen", this song not only captivates all of Triviums previous work, but adds new things into the mix, for example, at one point jsut after the main verse there is a screaming section (and i can't tell you how good it is to hear Matt [Heafy, vocalist] screaming again) backed by an almost black metal riff speeding through. It's hard for me to choose many songs of true notice out of the album becuase tehy are ALL equally amazing. My favourite song off the album would probably be He Who Spawned The Furies. Those who have heard the album may question my choice here. But there is a 15 second or so moment from about 2:10 through into the track which has to be the most powerful, most impressive and mosh-inspiring piece of metal i have EVER heard [super cereal here]. Its jsut mind blowingly awsome, I reccomend RIGHT NOW you go on youtube or whatever listen to the song and taht bit on full volume and i guarantee your head will blow off.

A word of warning would to be wary of the song titles however. Songs such as "Torn Between Scylla And Charibdys" (lol wut) and "Like Callisto To A Star In Heaven" (eh) will probably have to be looked up before you can truly understand them, but tehy are creative nonetheless, as are the lyrics, which are very creative and intruiging, as the song i mentioned earlier (he who spawned the furies) seems to be about babies getting eaten....AWSOME. Another thing to mention would be the so called "catchiness" of the choruses. And Trivium have really outdone themselves on this front. you can find your head bobbing to rpetty much any chorus on the album such choruses can be found on "Into The Mouth Of Hell We March" and "Down From The Sky" (amazing breakdown in that song). And then Trivium top it all off with a blistering 12 minuite epic at the end of the album, which is decievingly different to the rest of teh songs on the album, i'll leave why that is for you to find out.

Overall this album is AMAZING in my opinion and i recommend this album to anyone who likes any type of metal becuase i think it can appeal to almost everyone in any of the songs and i would wager a fair sum of money on this being one of the best metal albums of 2008 (closely in competition with Slipknots "All Hope Is Gone" and Gojiras "Way Of All Flesh". And no. Not the new Metallica album LOL.) but just get it and find out for yourself.


EnglishCarBomb said...

i did liek the album, despite my expectations
but i woudlnt go as far to call it the best album of 2008

(also, i THINK furies are mythical winged creatures, a bit liek harpies, who liek snatch children and eat them. LOL)

FailboatSkipper said...

Actually I heard from Jono that Death Magnetic is good, so I'm going to blindly be devoted to his opinion and never think for myself.

EnglishCarBomb said...

tut tut
death magnetic was awful
despite the fact ive listened to liek 30 secodns of it
and DAM that was a bad 30 seconds

ButtNugget said...

alestorm however awsome are more of a joke band. and death magneti was awful, i listened to it. the songs were to long and repetetive.