Monday 1 September 2008

Bloodbath - Resurrection Through Carnage

This is Bloodbath's first album, and so as i usually do with a bands first album, is have a little sympathy on it. However, this really doesn't need sympathy. At all. It's a GREAT album. Bloodbath are a Death metal ( Although I think they sound more Old School Death Metal....but apparently no...just new school) band from Sweden, and as I found out quite recently...they're a SUPERGROUP. They have guys from Edge of Sanity, Nightingale, Katatonia, Diabolical Masquerade, October Tide, Hypocrisy, Witchery and Satanic Slaughter. Pretty epic, eh? Anyway, the review. Bloodbath are...not exactly what you would call a "typical" metal band. They use a weird unique guitar effect throughout all of their songs, which REALLY works. They have a good consistent rhythm throughout, epic choruses in most songs, and sick as shit guitar solos like EVERYHWERE. The vocals are also unique...they're sort of rasping low vocals, which I have yet to hear in another band. They have a good mix of songs, from the funky ones like “Mass Strangulation” and “Buried By The Dead” to the rather creepy evil ones like “Death Delirium”. I won't bother talking about the lyrics as I'm pretty sure you can guess form the song titles and the band name.

I'm giving this album 4/5 for being awesome, however there is certainly room for improvement in the band. I think this would definitely be a good buy for death metal fans, however for other people it might probably be a bit of a no-no, generally, I would advise checking them out first anyway, just in case they aren't your thing.