Wednesday 30 July 2008

Five Finger Death Punch - The Way Of The Fist

That's pretty much this album summed up in one word. Awesome melody, vocals, composition, everything really. This is one the best albums I've heard in a LONG time, and I'm sure most people will agree with me. Being a groove/thrash metal band, I wasn't really expecting much, just the usual stuff. I more or less just got the album because the band had a funny name. But well the band don't seem to be out there to make people laugh. Funnily enough, the singer used to be the singer for Motograter, whose album I got because they painted themselves and sounded funny. It turns out Motograter were pretty dam serious as well unfortunately... but for those Motograter fans out there, if such things do exist, then well the vocalist is pretty much the same, just he uses harsh vocals a lot more then before but anyway the songs tend to be 2/3 harsh vocals 1/3 singing, most of which is done during the choruses. The songs have a good amount of guitar solos, though I'm not too keen on their guitar solos for sum reason. The lyrics are those classic metal lyrics that talk about the problems they have with other people and themselves. Well on the most part anyway.

In conclusion, this album is DEFINTLY worth buying no matter which type of metal you like....unless you ONLY like grindcore or something...I would give it 5/5 stars, BUT I give it 4.5/5 because I feel its just kinda missing that extra something, and so it JUST misses the "one of the best albums ever" mark. Still, it's worth buying.

Soilwork - Steelbath Suicide

Being their first album, I sort of forgive them for it not being that great, the vocals on the album never really change pitch and almost constantly remain very high pitched. most of the songs sound the same and are hard to distinguish, the guitar effects are sort of annoying and well the whole album is just kinda mediocre. but of course those are just the bad things, the songs have quite good melodies, the guitar solos are AWESOME and there's lots of them, so if guitar solos are you're thing then you might be up for this. keep in mind that if you're familiar with Soilwork, you probably wont be with their earlier albums, and just to say, they're a LOT different. they were melodic death metal at that point, similar to "At The Gates", well they still are melodic death metal, just they're softer melodic death metal now...if that makes sense to you

They do have sum good songs in it like "Razorlives" which are pretty good, and they also have a cover of Deep Purple's "Burn" which is very good, though I don't know where they conjured the woman from....
Or well at least I THINK the cover is on the album, I'm not quite sure. Having looked at the lyrics, I still don't think Soilwork actually understand English, none of their songs on any of their albums seem to make sense...well at least to me they don't

Anyway, I would give this album a 3/5, 3.5 if you REALLY feel like pushing it. Buying this album is something that would only be advisory if you were a big fan of guitar solos, or At The Gates, that sort of thing. None the less, I do plan to buy the album, as I have every other Soilwork why not?

Yhdarl - Ø (EP)

NO. This album I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. It's seriously disgusting. It's a 40 minute EP. There's only one song in the EP. Yup that's right, drone sludge metal, and its bad even for that. I got it because I sort of needed some more bands beginning with Y and it looked funny. When I finally came round to listening to it, me and my friend listened to it at the same time, the whole way through. I almost cried. It's boring, depressing, and a rare occasional vocal which sucks anyway. It's a one man band, so I guess it'll be easier to kill everyone in the band for creating that shit. Literally nothing happens in the "music" and so there is no point in listening to it at all.

This is going to get a mighty 0/5 stars, I can say literally NOTHING positive about this album. Is it worth buying? I don't think I'll bother answering that. Well incase you DO think it'll be worth buying it just for a laugh, NO. I've gotten tonnes of albums that are funny because they suck, but this is just something else, you can't laugh at it, you'll just get pissed off and throw the album out the window.

Debauchery - Continue To Kill

Damn this album is awesome, death metal (although according to the all knowing Wikipedia, it can also be considered as Death 'n' Roll, which I suppose it could, but I would stick with death metal) at its best. The songs have the grooviest riffs EVER, the vocals are REALLY good (very similar to Six Feet Under vocals), awesome choruses, and some damn good guitar solos. The albums solid the whole way through, it just never stops getting awesome. This album along with Aborted's new album have now given me a new found love for the more brutal side of death metal, that's just how good it is. It's one of those albums where once you start listening to one of the songs, you just CAN'T STOP. I even find the intro amazing.

A funny thing about the album is that Debauchery have received a lot of criticism in the time that they've been around, people claiming them to being "boring" and "too similar to Six Feet Under"(its neither of these) and the beginning of the song "King Of Killing" takes the piss out of that, and is just an amazing intro, unfortunately the rest of the song isn't great. The down side is that I do see where they are coming from when they say that they're "boring" they can get VERY repetitive lyrics at some points which can get annoying. Their lyrics, as you may of guessed by the bands name, the albums name, and their genres name, are about killing. They don't have hugely gory lyrics, which is good as I'm not a fan of that, though they do talk about killing like....EVERYONE, but it doesn't really go into much detail about how their going to do that. Well that's if you compare them to Cannibal Corpse anyway it gets to "I will stitch your anus together So you will drown in your own shit" and not much gorier.

I am going to give this album 5/5 stars, which it JUST managed, the repetitiveness does let it down a bit. but still, this has definitely managed to be one of the best albums ever. so obviously yes, even if you're not a fan of death metal, its still definitely worth getting. unless of course you're a nu metal fag or some thing